Page 4 - The Basics IA by ETron Circuit Labs
P. 4
ETron Circuit LabsComponents InventoryObjective:touch and hold all the electronic components needed In this lesson you will have the opportunity to feel,to complete the labs in this manual.Take the components and match them up with the pictures on this page. After you’ve matched up all the inventory, take a few minutes to read what each component does and familiarize yourself with the schematic symbol associated with each different style.You can refer back to this page throughout the manual to help remind and refresh your understanding of the components and why they do what they do.CERAMIC CAPACITORA capacitor acts as a temporary battery by storing electricity. Ceramic capacitors store small amounts of electricity.LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED)LEDs are a special kind of diode that emit light when current flows through them. They have two terminals called anode and cathode. The cathode is indicated by a flat side on the case of the LED or by the shorter lead. Identify the two LEDs in your Lab and try to recognize the anode and the cathode leads.ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORElectrolytic capacitors store relatively large amounts of electricity. They have polarity, which means that they have a positive and a negative terminal and, therefore, care must be taken when connecting them to a circuit. They must be installed in the right direction.AnodeCathode GateSCR - Silicone Controlled RectifierThe SCR allows current to flow through it only after a momentary positive voltage is applied to the gate. SCRs have three leads which are called anode, cathode, and gate.DIODEA diode is a device that allows current to flow through it in one direction only. You can compare the diode to a "one way street". Diodes have two leads; one is the anode and the other is the cathode. The cathode is indicated by a band around the body of the diode.REDBLACKBATTERYA battery stores electrical energy. A battery has polarity which means it has a positive and negative terminal. A battery snap has been provided to connect the battery to the board.Battery Snap Qty 32103 104103 10410uF100uF1000uF100uF