Page 54 - The Basics IA by ETron Circuit Labs
P. 54
ETron Circuit LabsLab 27 Variable TimerObjective:In this Lab you will build a Variable Timer circuit that will allow you to adjust the time the LED stays lit before turning off automatically.Step 1 – Take InventoryUsing the Parts Inventory as shown on the right under the “Here’s What You’ll Need” section, place each part needed for this experiment on its corresponding drawing. Observe the schematic symbol for each part. Make sure that you have all the parts ready before you begin Step 2.Step 2 – Build the CircuitUsing the Schematic Diagram and the picture of the completed lab, build the lab experiment with the electronic components. Use the “Check Your Work Here” Box to verify that your wiring is correct, and then proceed to Step 3.Step 3 – Do ExperimentTheory:In this Lab you will use the 555 Timer IC which will be set up as a monostable multivibrator, or timer. Monostable refers to the idea that the output stays at LO until triggered to go HI. Once triggered, it remains HI for a period of time and then returns to LO. The duration of the HI and Pin 3 depends on the values of R2, R4, and C1. The potentiometer needs to be set in the full clockwise position to start. When you press52