Page 61 - The Basics IA by ETron Circuit Labs
P. 61

Procedure:This experiment uses human bodies like wires. Assemble the circuit and connect a 9-volt battery to the Battery Snap and hold one of the probe wires between your fingers while a friend holds the other. You can make a chain of people as long as you want extending from each wire and the circuit will work the same. When you reach across and touch the nose of your friend, the circuit will beep. That is because by touching your friend, you complete the circuit and make the speaker sound.Check Your Work HereHere’s What You’ll Need...R4R3R1R2RESISTORhole 8ahole 9a10 Ohm  '  (Brown, Black, Black, Gold) hole 8ihole 19h220 Ohm - (Red, Red, Brown, Gold)hole 20bhole 21b1K  $  (Brown, Black, Red, Gold) hole 19ahole 20a120K  &  (Brown, Red, Yellow, Gold) DISC CAPACITORSC1 103 Q10.01uFc behole 20j hole 21hNPN 2N3904Collector hole 9gBase Emitter hole 8g hole 7gred = hole 30e black = hole 30fSPEAKER       a    b   c   d   e    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30         a    b   c   d   e     f     g    h    i     j        1   2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29 30    f     g    h    i     j         NPN TRANSISTORB1INTEGRATED CIRCUITREDBLACKIC 18 7 6 5 holes21e-18e SPKR 11234holes 21f - 18fWIRESW1 = 21c & 30b W2 = 9c & 30a W3 = 21i & 30i W4 = 7j & 30j W5 = 18g & 21d PROBE WIRES:Probe #1 in hole 20g Probe #2 in hole 19chole 8bhole 9hSCAN HERE TO SEE MORE ONLINE59LAB 30Visit us online at for more exciting projectsLab Observations

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