Page 7 - The Basics IA by ETron Circuit Labs
P. 7
Lab 2 Resistor Color CodeResistor Color CodeResistors have color bands around them. These colors tell you the value of the Resistor. The colors are called the “color code,” Black = 0, Brown = 1, Red=2,Orange=3,Yellow=4,Green=5,Blue=6, Violet = 7, Gray = 8, White = 9The Resistors in this lab all contain four color bands. Band 1 = a numberBand 2 = a numberBand 3 = number of zerosBand 4 = tolerance (accuracy of the resistor) gold = 5% silver = 10%You do not have to memorize the Color Code, you just have to know how to read it.1-2-3-4Black 0 0 Brown 1 1 Red 2 2 Orange 3 Yellow 4 4x1 Gold=5% / Silver=10% x10x1003x1,000x10,000 x100,000 x1,000,000 x10,000,000 x100,000,000 x1,000,000,000Green Blue Violet Gray White5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 92.2k - (Red, Red, Red, Gold)This Resistor can measure 2.2K +/- 5% based on the indicated rated tolerance.Relative Size Vs Wattage RatingGenerally, the smaller the size of the Resistor, the lower the wattage rating.1/8 Watt 1/4 Watt1/2 Watt1 Watt2 WattHere’s What You’ll Need...Tolerance Gold = 5% Silver = 10% No Color = 20%10 Ohm ' (Brown, Black, Black, Gold) 47 Ohm ' (Yellow, Violet, Black, Gold) 100 Ohm - (Brown, Black, Brown, Gold)220 Ohm - (Red, Red, Brown, Gold)330 Ohm ' (Orange, Orange, Brown, Gold) 470 Ohm ( (Yellow, Violet, Brown, Gold) 1K $ (Brown, Black, Red, Gold) 2.2K % (Red, Red, Red, Gold) 3.3K % (Orange, Orange, Red, Gold) 6.8K & (Blue, Gray, Red, Gold) 10K % (Brown, Black, Orange, Gold) 16K % (Brown, Blue, Orange, Gold) 33K $ (Orange, Orange, Orange, Gold) 120K & (Brown, Red, Yellow, Gold) 470K & (Yellow, Violet, Yellow, Gold) SCAN HERE TO SEE MORE ONLINE5LAB 1&2Visit us online at for more exciting projects