Page 16 - The Basics IA by ETron Circuit Labs
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ETron Circuit Labs“Capacitors are measured in a unit of measure known as a Farad. A 1 uF is 1 microfarad, which is 1 millionth of a Farad.”“The electrolytic capacitors used in these labs have a negative (-) and positive (+) lead and must be installed as shown for the lab to function correctly. The negative lead is the shorterLab 8Intro to CapacitorsObjective:In this Lab you will learn how a Capacitor works and build a simple circuit to observe that a Capacitor stores electrical energy. You will see the LED slowly dim as the Capacitor discharges.Step 1 – Take InventoryUsing the Parts Inventory as shown on the right under the “Here’s What You’ll Need” section, place each part needed for this experiment on its corresponding drawing. Observe the schematic symbol for each part. Make sure that you have all the parts ready before you begin Step 2.Step 2 – Build the CircuitUsing the Schematic Diagram and the picture of the completed lab, build the lab experiment with the electronic components. Use the “Check Your Work Here” Box to verify that your wiring is correct, and then proceed to Step 3Step 3 – Do ExperimentX1X4Did you know...Capacitors have many uses in electronic products and systems. The fact is, capacitors are so common, to find a product that functions correctly without one is not only extremely rare, but almost non-existent.